Cash advance payday loans come in the picture when you have used up your entire salary and an unexpected urgent bill comes before you. it is not difficult to get cash up to 1,500 dollars from the lenders of payday advance loans. These lenders do not differentiate bad credit people from the people with excellent credit rating. Just about every salaried person is entitled to get these provided he or she fulfills a few easy requirements.
You Can Borrow Either From A Local Store Or Apply Online
You can borrow the cash advance payday loans in two ways. If you are willing to stand in a long queue outside a loan store, you can get funds from a local store. However, if you are not comfortable with the idea, then an online option is the best for you. Online application submission is becoming more and more popular these days because you can accomplish it right from your computer.
If you ask the single most distinctive features that makes these totally different from other loans, then speed is the only answer. Entire process is carried out at such an astonishing speed that you can receive requested funds in your bank account in less than 24 hours. This is something unbelievable for the person who is used to borrow from customary institutes and availing this service first time.
Higher Interest Rates
However, remember that the speed at which quick payday loans are available carries higher costs. You may end up paying $15 to $30 for every hundred dollars you borrow from these lending institutes. When we convert it in terms of APR, it comes around 180 to 300 %. This is unusually higher when compared with other loans carrying 8 to 30 % APR. Therefore, these are advisable only when situation demands some quick cash and you have no other source to manage it.
Another important point to keep in mind is that borrow only when you are sure about timely repayment. Not paying loan amount on time makes these even more expensive. Not only the interest adds up for the additional period but you also pay penalty for delayed defrayal.