Payday loans by definition are short-term loans that are small and only meant to cover the borrower's expenses until the next payday. Also known as cash advances, the loans can actually help in some situations such as in case of an immediate car repair or paying off a medical bill. These loans usually last only two weeks as they are meant to be paid back during the next payday.
There are various ways for a borrower to get a cash advance. One is through a physical shop that offers payday lending. Lending through the Internet is also possible and might be easier to use as compared to brick and mortar stores.
At a physical shop, a borrower would have to go through some paperwork to secure the funds. Aside from the paperwork, the borrower would also sign a post-dated check to the lender in the full amount borrowed together with fees. On the maturity date of the loan then, the borrower should return to the store to pay the loan back. In case the borrower doesn't do this, the post-dated check would be processed.
Over the Internet, though, payday loans are sometimes easier to process depending on which service is used. Some would still require fax work, but some only require an electronic form to be filled out, then afterwards it would be processed to help the borrower secure the loan. Usually the loan is automatically withdrawn from the next payday as well.
No matter which method is used, though, to ensure that a lending goes smoothly, one has to bring a proof of steady employment.